Swoozie's is a unique gift shop that provides print and design services. After having been at the Denver location as the graphic designer for almost two years, I realized Graduation season was quickly arriving which meant Rushing would happen simultaneously.
Rushing a university means to send applications to the different sororities located on the campus of the college you will be attending. Joining a sorority can provide an extra boost to a graduate when looking for opportunities due to the connections made while in the sorority. When submitting an application you are typically expected to send in multiple copies of your resume that shows your academia, volunteer experience and lineage in the sorority (your grandmother and mother were both members of the sorority); professional headshots; calling cards; a cover letter, a thank you letter and more. The initial packet is sent to an alumna of the sorority who will then (hopefully) provide a personal recommendation letter and will mail your packet on to the sorority for their review of your application.
Working with clients previously on creating sorority packets was difficult and complicated. Pricing was not consistent and products were ordered from different companies. If I was not present to take the order it was confusing for anyone else to help the customer. The sorority packets needed a refresh in design and the ordering process needed to be streamlined.
Mockup by lcd2020 and downloaded from FreePik.
<a href="https://www.freepik.com/free-photos-vectors/mockup">Mockup psd created by lcd2020 - www.freepik.com</a>
New Design Guide
The new design guide features a more toned down and easier to read design. Using orange and the secondary logo color of grey, the guide is easier to look at and the colors no longer compete with each other.

Old Design Guide and Pricing Sheet
The old design was dated and needed an overhaul. Working with my store manager, we removed monograms, patterns and colors that weren't popular with customers or that we found too dated.

Simplified sheet that outlines the different products that can be ordered in the Rush Packet, with sizes and prices of the different products.
FAQ sheet to explain what a Rush Packet is and what is needed. Helpful for both customers and new employees!

Revised order form with clarified quantities each product can be ordered in.
Design Spec Sheet for designers with clarifying sizes for each product and quantities they can be ordered in.

All designs owned by Swoozie's.
Thank you for looking!